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The Pros and Cons of Choosing Bail Bonds over Cash Bail

In most cases, either a bail bond or cash bail can be used to secure a person's release from custody after being arrested. For many people, the option of using a bail bond will prove to be the better option. However, neither option will be right for everyone or in every situation. In this article, you can learn more about both the pros and cons of choosing bail bonds over cash bail. Taking the time to review these pros and cons can help you to decide which option is best suited to your needs. 

The Pros Of Bail Bonds

  1. Lower Down Payment - Bail bonds can be obtained without the need to pay the full amount of the bail upfront. In most cases, just a small fee will need to be paid before a bail bond can be issued. This can make bailing someone out of jail far more affordable. 
  2. Available 24/7 - Cash bail payments are often accepted only during regular business hours. This can be a problem if a loved one is arrested late at night or over the weekend. Bail bonds can help eliminate this issue since these bail services are often available 24/7.
  3. Can Be Arranged Prior To Arrest - If you or a loved one has prior knowledge that they are going to be arrested as the result of a warrant, it is possible to arrange a bail bond in advance. This can allow you to avoid spending any time in jail once your arrest has been processed. 

The Cons Of Bail Bonds

  1. Nonrefundable Fee - The fee that is charged for issuing a bail bond is often nonrefundable. This means that, unlike cash bail, you will not be able to get all of your money back once your loved one's case has reached its conclusion. 
  2. Requires Approval - Bail bonds allow you to finance the expense of bailing someone out of jail. Like all financial services, you will need to qualify for this type of financing before a bail bond can be issued. If you do not currently have any income or if you do not have local ties to the community, you may find that you are unable to get approved for a bail bond. 

The Bottom Line

If you are able to qualify for a bail bond, you will find that this option allows you to get your loved one out of jail while keeping more of your money in your pocket. This option will also prove quite useful if your loved one is arrested outside of business hours. However, not everyone will be able to qualify for a bail bond. Furthermore, there are often fees associated with these services. Consequently, individuals who have the extra cash to spare or who are unable to qualify for these financing services may decide that posting traditional cash bail is their better option.
