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3 Things To Know Before You Refinance

Refinancing is a process that lets you get a new mortgage loan to replace your current one. While there are plenty of reasons to refinance a loan, there are also times when this is not the best route for a homeowner to take. If this is something you might want to do, you should know the following three things before talking to a lender about refinancing your home loan.

1. It Costs Money

The first thing to consider with refinancing your home is the costs involved with the process. When you refinance, the lender issues you a new loan. To do this, the lender must complete several steps, including title work and loan processing steps. Additionally, you will need an appraisal. As a result, refinancing costs money. You will have to pay closing costs and fees to use this process. Your lender can tell you the costs before you go through with it, which allows you to evaluate the costs before choosing to refinance.

2. You Should Make Sure the Costs Are Worth It

When you learn how much it will cost to refinance, you will need to make sure the costs are well worth it. You can do this in several ways, but the first thing to consider is how long you plan to live in the home. It will take some time to recoup the costs you pay for refinancing. If you plan on selling your house in a year or two, refinancing might not be worth it. You can calculate how much you will save each year through refinancing and compare this to the expenses it costs for the process.

3. You Should Have a Goal with Refinancing

The other thing to know is that you should have a goal with refinancing. In other words, you should have a purpose for it. Many people do this to save money. If you can get a lower interest rate, you could potentially save a lot of money by refinancing. Some people also refinance to cut a few years off their loans or to eliminate the private mortgage insurance they have. Others do this to make their payments more affordable.

Refinancing costs money, but it can also help you save a lot of money. If you think that you might want to refinance your home loan, talk to a lender. A lender can tell you more about the current interest rates and any fees related to the refinancing process.
