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3 Common Bail Bonds Terms Explained

Bail is the money you pay a court to get out of jail. This money is meant to guarantee you will go to all your court dates. If you don't make all of your court dates, you lose the money.

When you don't have enough money to pay the full bail amount, you can get a bail bond. You pay a small part of the bail to the bonds company — like ten percent — and they guarantee the rest to the court. The company keeps the percentage you paid for providing this service.

Whether you need to get a bond for yourself or a loved one, it's wise to learn some of the new terms you might hear.


You might need collateral for a bond. This is something with value that secures the bail bond company's money. If the person being released doesn't make their court dates, the company can take the collateral to cover their loss.

If you need a bail bond for $40,000 and own a home worth $50,000 with no loans on it, for instance, you can offer the bail bond agent the home as collateral. Other common types of bail bond collateral include cars, trucks, and valuable jewelry. Items the bond company can pawn, such as video game systems and other electronics, may also work as collateral.

Whether you need collateral and what you can use will depend on your situation, the bail amount, and the bail bond company's policies.

Bail Conditions

Bail often comes with conditions. Everyone who is released on bail has to obey the law, for example. Other possible bail conditions depend on the alleged crime.

If the charges involve alcohol, for instance, a person on bail might not be allowed to drink. When multiple people are charged together for the same crime, their bail conditions might state they all have to stay away from each other. Other bail conditions include travel limits, a nighttime curfew, and finding or keeping a job.

When a person on bail violates their conditions, they can lose their bail bond and end up back in jail.

Bail Recovery Agent

When a defendant with a bail bond doesn't make their court dates, the bail bond agent has to arrest them and return them to jail. A bail recovery agent is the person who will try to track the defendant down and return them to law enforcement.

You might not know what to expect the first time you contact a bail bond company. Understanding the basic terms which might come up will help make the process go more smoothly.
