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Three Things You Should Know Before Your Go To Sell Your Gold Bounty

If you have a bounty of gold you are considering selling it for extra cash, you may want to do a few things first. This can include separating the materials and removing non-gold items like stones. You may also want to find out about the price of gold and what gold buyers in your area are offering for 24 karat gold. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your gold materials when selling them to a dealer:

1. Know The Current Value Of Gold And The Karats You Have

The price of gold is determined by market values, which can change from one day to another. You should be aware of market prices and try to sell your metals when the prices are highest. It is also important to know the materials you have, which you will get less for 14 karat gold that is the least pure, and the most for 24 karat gold that is the purest materials.

2. Divide Your Materials Into Different Piles Of Karats

When you go to sell your metal, you will want to divide it into piles organized by karats. Many pieces will have karat marks. All the material that is not marked, should go into the pile with the 14 karat materials. The gold that has a 24 karat mark should go into another pile. You can also make another pile of darker gold materials that may be somewhere in the metal, but it is most likely that you will get a 14 karat price anywhere you take these materials.

3. Remove All Non-Gold Materials From The Items You Are Selling

Before you take the materials in to sell, remove anything on them that may not be gold. This can include things like silver clasps and stones. In addition, scrape materials that you are not sure about. If they are plated with gold, disregard them because the gold buyer will probably not buy them. You will be more likely to get the best price for your metal if you have it all organized and appear to know a little more about gold than the average guy on the street.

These are some tips to help you get the most out of your gold when you sell it. If you have a bounty of gold that you are ready to trade in for cash, contact gold buyers to find out the current prices they are offering for the metal.

To learn more, contact a company like Executive Loan Service
